Scalr Enterprise - 7.7.9 Release notes

Release Date: 20/Dec/17

New Feature


  • [SCALRCORE-6452] - OpenStack > Add support Volume V3
  • [SCALRCORE-7747] - Azure > Scalr Expanded Resource Group Support (BC change in behavior)
  • [SCALRCORE-7554] - CSG > AWS > Add Mobile Hub, Cognito, Device Farm, Pinpoint services


  • [SCALRCORE-7567] - Create role with Ansible Tower > Incorrect validation of variables field
  • [SCALRCORE-7719] - Server timeout not honored when the Farm is terminated (BC change in behavior)
  • [SCALRCORE-7742] - Apiv2 > Adding Farm Roles where Account level Permissions Exists
  • [SCALRCORE-7745] - Monitor > Queue overflow in RabbitMQ
  • [SCALRCORE-7756] - Monitor > Poll server health connection issue

 Click to show BC changes

1. BC Change which required an user action on deploy

When a Server is launched:
Before: Scalr has tried to fetch a Security Groups from the corresponding Network's Resource Group

After: Scalr is trying to fetch a Security Groups from the corresponding Application's Resource Group

2. BC Change in behavior

Before: When a Farm is terminated, all Farm's Servers are terminated immediately ignoring a configurable timeout.

After: After a Farm is terminated, all corresponding Servers stay in pending terminate state for the time which is specified in the scalr.system.server_terminate_timeout scalr configuration file.